by Tony McEnery and Andrew Hardie; published by Cambridge University Press, 2012

Answers to exercises: Chapter One practical activities

As noted in the introduction to these activities in the book, the purpose of these exercises is to provide set of very general tasks that should help you find your way around your concordancer if you are not entirely familiar with it.

That being the case, Chapter One's activities do not really have “answers”, since the details of finding your way around a concordancer differ quite a lot depending on which precise program you are using – and, sometimes, which version of the program.

For this reason, the hints below are rather general in nature. We have also assumed, in writing these hints, that you are using a simple desktop concordancer such as WordSmith or AntConc, rather than a complex server-based system suhc as CQP (see here for details on these concordancers).

A1-1) First, investigate the basic setup procedures of your software.

A1-2) Next, look at how the concordancing function works.

A1-3) Finally, work out what the statistical capabilities of your concordancer are.

Tony McEnery Andrew Hardie

Department of Linguistics and English Language, Lancaster University, United Kingdom